English spoken or English subtitled films in Lumen

This page gives an overview of all the film screenings that are either English spoken or with English subtitles. Lumen is the place where you can see the latest international arthouse films and documentaries as well as specially curated classics. We program over 250 arthouse films annually from all over the world.

From small independent films to more cross-over films. We always show films in their original language, most of the time with Dutch subtitles. Do you find it difficult to comprehend Dutch subtitles? Join Lumen’s Expat Cinema showings!

Expat Cinema

Every Wednesday – and sometimes also on other days – we screen the best foreign language movies with English subtitles. Next to specially curated foreign language films we also program Dutch films or documentaries with English subtitles.

Want to meet fellow expats, (other) students or new Dutch people? Our café is the perfect place to hook up for a good coffee or special beer before and after the film!