Expat Cinema: Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (+ ENGLISH subtitles // Expat Cinema // Previously Unreleased) (laatste kans)

Wednesday 10 July

Director Radu Jude takes us along for an almost three-hour ride with production assistant Angela. Finally, he brings his urban road movie to a majestic halt with a shot lasting over half an hour, during which the satire reaches absurd heights.



Mogelijk schadelijk tot 12 jaar Seks Discriminatie Grof taalgebruik

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Production assistant Angela spends some sixteen hours a day at the wheel of a van, cursing and exhausted, grappling with the gridlocked traffic of Bucharest. On the day when we join her, she’s driving all over doing ‘auditions’ with victims of industrial accidents. The successful applicant will get a paid gig as an extra in a film promoting safety at work.