Expat Cinema: How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies (+ English subtitles)

Screening Wednesday 16 Ocotober

A heartwarming film delving into the complexity of family relationships, sacrifices, and the pursuit of happiness. ‘M’, driven by the desire for a multimillion-dollar inheritance, puts aside his dreams as a hopeful game caster to care for his terminally ill grandmother. However, winning Grandma’s favour is no easy feat. She proves to be a tough nut to crack – demanding, exacting, and exceedingly difficult to please.

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Zaal 121.25
Zaal 221.30

To add to the drama, he’s not the only one gunning for the inheritance. M finds himself embroiled in a gripping competition, where he must go to great lengths to become the apple of Grandma’s eye before time runs out, all in pursuit of a life-changing, multimillion-dollar inheritance.